there was this girl,Vibha.
almost every nite she was in Novotel,gettin drunk wit her friends:), Michael n' James (great couple,by the way:) so she was in our hotel almost every nite, n after a few visits we became friends.
n' there was a guy, Adrian- Vibha's boyfriend, her fiance, n' finally our friend, as well:) they've invited us to their weddin,so there is some pix... enjoy!
We do not wish you joy without sorrow
Nor endless day without the healing
Nor brilliant sun without the restful
Nor tides that never turn against your
We wish you love, and strength, and
faith, and wisdom,
Goods, gold enough to help some
needy one,
We wish you songs, but also blessed
And God's sweet peace when every
day is done.
/Dorothy Nell McDonald
the Groom,

n' the Bride!

beautiful together...
... even on the cake:)

the official part is over, time to get some party... reception at Queens Hotel, Leeds:)